Find YOUR Next Peak!

Self Confidence

Money Mastery

Spiritual Vitality


Stop wasting thousands of dollars and hours on surface level experiences that never actually bring you peace!

You can now finally shut off that voice in your head and get AHEAD in your happiness & prosperity!

What if: a rapid Peak States breakthrough is exactly what you’ve been asking for, and you didn’t know it, until now…

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Frequently Asked Questions:

+ What Is Peak States Therapy?

Imagine being able to walk into a fancy clothing store, put on a new outfit, and then walk out the door dawning the new exact attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that match the outfit, no matter who extravagant, peaceful and powerful… that’s what it’s like to experienc Peak States Therapy in any area of your life!

Peak States Therapy is a power therapy, which are unbelievably fast, simple and effective methods for creating healing, improvement, and transformation in the lives of people. These methods can be performed online through video chat as well as in person, and they are private, non-invasive, and cutting edge. And of all power therapies, Peak States Therapy has the highest level of precision, effectiveness, ease, and speed with which to accomplish the most outstanding & lasting transformations for a human being.

+ Does It Really Work?

Well, does science really work? Thousands of other people have had powerful life-changing and rapid results from recieving Peak States Therapy. You see, you are designed to heal, at a biological level, and that healing is meant to happen instantly, however subcellular biological resistence inside you actually prevents your natural holisitc & abundant state ... wow! And Peak States Therapy removes plus heals those biological subcelllular resistances to healing, which will give you access to ending the suffering in your life.

Remember: every issue that you want to work on is backed by a Pay-Only-For-Results Guarentee... so why not try it!?

Here's a quote from DR BRUCE LIPTON, PhD:

“I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as ‘co-creator’ of my destiny.” - The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles

+ Explain The 'Pay-For-Results' System?

Pay-For-Results is your opportunity to experience a new paradigm in the wellness industry. Many industries today already have this standard, like in real-estate sales, where the real estate agent doesn’t charge their fee until their client achieves exactly what they’re looking for.

This quality control is often something that is very overlooked (or even avoided) in the transformational healing world. Wouldn't you agree that good people often pay good money to get help in some way, but in the end they do not get the outcome that they were actually looking for.

Picture this... what if you hired a taxi driver to come pick you up and then drive you to New York, but instead they drove you to Boston, and because it was the end of their shift they dropped you off in Boston, and yet they still forced you to pay the fee?

My gosh that would not be a very good experience! But it's the same experience that people have all too often when trying to create a higher quality of life.

SO THAT IS WHY WE OFFER "PAY-FOR-RESULTS", where you, the client, determine what the exact result is that you desire, and then you and the therapist simply negotiate on the appropraite price for that exact outcome, and once it's achieved and verified after two weeks of checking back in with you, then you pay the fee to the therapist.

This both ensures your own satisfaction and peace of mind with the process, but it also allows us to say "Don't worry, by using our services you are going to get the exact specific result in whichever area of your life that you desire to have it, and if you do not achieve it, even if we spent time working online together... then you do not have to pay the negotiated fee.

Now THAT is good business!

+ What Are The Key Agreements Between Client & Therapist?

They are 5-fold, and we hope that you like them because they are foundational to our brand and our business and therefore to any relationships with our clients. We both agree to:

  • Privacy - What happens in the session stays in the session.
  • Accountability - Showing up on time and with vitality creates the optimum environment.
  • Respect - We acknowledge that healing is both a sacred and professional practice.
  • Timeliness - We agree that effective results in a certain area of your life is our goal.
  • Change - Therapy creates change and so the client must be open to change.

+ And If I Book A Free Consultation?

You get a chance to share a little bit about yourself (your story, your goals, your issue) and you can ask any questions you’d like to me, and then we decide if we’re each a good fit for each other in order to start working on your desired outcome/breakthrough.

+ What Happens If My Problem Can’t Be Helped?

We will refer you to another Pay-For-Results style therapist who specialises more in your area of interest/need.

+ What Are The 'Side-Benefits'?

Here's a short list of the most noticeable:

☑ Better sleeping habits and quality of sleep

☑ Insights arrive in areas where before there was none

☑ Having a higher quality of life including more joy, self-awareness, and clarity of purpose

☑ Positive momentum with your personal and professional goals

☑ Higher levels of self-confidence and charisma

☑ Increased financial success due to higher peak states

☑ Healthier habits and an increase in positive thoughts

☑ Reduced stress & anxiety

☑ Improved relationships with your romantic partner and the people in your life

+ What Is The ISPS?

The core purpose of this Institute For The Study Of Peak States is to find ways to improve the quality of life for all of mankind. The Institute for the Study of Peak States (ISPS) is a world-wide research, teaching, and clinical treatment organization focused on the study of the psychology and biology of consciousness. Their groundbreaking discoveries in the field of subcellular psychobiology have led to an entirely new understanding of the biology of psycho-immunology and epigenetics. This has both stunning and practical applications, allowing the creation of entirely new techniques for the treatment of mental, physical and emotional conundrums plus the acquisition of exceptional peak states of consciousness.

+ Okay, Seems Amazing! But Is This Too Good To Be True?

Nope, it is not too good to be true. But, we appreciate you wanting to make sure!

Now that you've found this website it really does mean that for perhaps the first time in your life you have real-life access to achieve the ultimate level of freedom in basically any area of your life that you've ever dreamed: your business, your family, your health, your mental attitude, your emotional stability, your romantic relationship, your ambition and action-taking, your day-to-day happiness, your sex life, your freedom of self expression, your personal mission in this world, gosh, the list goes on!

It means that you can have personal and professional transformation right now, online, risk-free, in private sessions, and it's all backed by a pay-for-results ONLY guarantee!

According to a myriad of peer-reviewed studies published in academic journals, “online therapy works the same way as traditional in-office therapy, and in some cases, online chat, online therapy, and online counseling services may be even more effective than traditional therapy" … and what this means is that the there has never been a better time to get started!


Are you finally fed up of living in an illusion?

Experience a rapid & private solution now.

More Client Experiences

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Listen To Teri’s Amazing Story!

Imagine being able to sell with 100% confidence? Jasmine works on this here and the impact of peak states therapy is obvious!

And now read what happened for her the following morning:

Are you finally fed up of being stuck?

Experience a rapid & private solution now.